Trusted by 3,500+ florists across United States and Canada to increase revenue, save time and optimize operational efficiency.
Book a ConsultationCreate orders for local delivery, pick-up, and in-store
Add discounts and tips while taking an order
Quick Charge
Save drafts for later
Tax-exempt options
House Accounts Management
Process payments and refunds seamlessly
Receive daily payouts
Easily update order status
Communicate with customers (substitutions, delivery & status updates)
Tax-exempt options
Fully customizable hyperticket
Optimize your delivery routes powered by Google
Customize and send routes directly to drivers’ phones
No third-party apps required
Track daily sales and performance
Generate detailed reports for insights
View best-selling products
Summarize sales by products & revenue
Draft proposals for clients to review your services
Convert proposals into invoices with a click of a button
Easily create and send invoices to get paid on time
Let your customers pay online
Maintain a steady monthly revenue stream
Retain more customers
Automate order creation for efficiency
Available for purchase
Card reader
Thermal receipt printer
Cash register
We have the ability to easily import your order data and customer profiles from your previous PoS to our system when you switch.
Whether you use your current paper and layout, edit your current layout or make something completely custom - we’ve got you covered.
Choose from over 2,000 professionally photographed arrangements in BloomNation’s catalog, including sympathy caskets & sprays.
Send seasonal and reminder emails, SMS campaigns*, and get social media curated content posted for you.
Increase your sales with upsell and cross-sell features. Offer larger arrangements and suggest add-on items like candles at checkout.
Create and manage discount codes and coupons. Boost sales with targeted promotions.
Connect with a nationwide network of verified BloomNation florists. Send and receive referral orders. Enjoy the most competitive split in the industry.
Streaming Service